Date: 20th April - All Day
Location: Portland Bill > Radipole Lake > Lodmoor
Observation: Another trip down to Weymouth and Portland Bill, we parked around Southwell, to try and start off with getting the Hoopoe or Ring Ouzels, we arrive around 9.30am, and had a good look around and walked through, we didn't see either unfortunately but lots of Linnet were present around the Quarry. We moved onto the SW Coastal Path and it was pretty barren apart from a fly-past Fulmar. Just before the first fields, there were 2 Wheatear, 1 Stonechat and a few Rock Pipits all making a racket but none stopped for a picture! We got to the Hut Fields, and there were at least 6 Wheatears in the first field, with some Skylarks (heard) and a few Meadow Pipits, although some looked lighter presuming different plumage on them.

There were also 4 Whimbrel on the receding tide feeding. At the lighthouse, there were plenty of Herring and Greater Black-Backed Gulls and Swallows along with a Raven and a few more Pipits. We headed on back to Southwell, along the Coastal Path, with alot more Swallows coming in off the sea.
We stopped for 10 minutes at the Guillemot and Shag nesting spot. There were a few on the cliffs but the majority of the birds were in the sea feeding before flying back and swapping with the partners. We counted 7 Barrel Jellyfish, who were HUGE!
We also seen what we thought was a Sunfish with the jellyfish, but looking back it may just be some floating meat of some sort, please come forward if your good at I.D's! There were a few more Fulmar this side.
At Strip Fields, we heard what sounded like a Curlew, but we couldn't locate to give a positive ID and it didn't call again! Typical! We seen a hunting Kestrel who caught a Mouse/Vole sp. Apart from that there were plenty more Swallows, Meadow Pipits, Skylark and Linnet, there was a single Whitethroat.
Along Reap Lane, there were Sparrows, Starlings and another single Whitethroat, but no Male Redstart which was spotted there about an hour before.
We headed onto Radipole Lake next, again pretty barren, there were a few singing Cetti's and a stunning Willow Warbler close range. We walked around to North Hide where there were 2 Green Sandpipers and some Teal.
Lastly onto Lodmoor, a pair of Little Grebe, a few more Teal and 3 pairs of Shoveller started us off on the reserve, we had some close range Tufted Duck on a stunning reflection. To finish off to had a fly-over Marsh Harrier.
Weather: Blue Sky, Warm + Sunny
Other Species: Linnet, Gadwall, Shoveller, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Reed Warbler, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Stonechat, Wheatear, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Gulliemot, Razorbill, Shag, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Greater Black-Backed Gull, Black-Headed Gull, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Teal, Ostercatcher, Fulmar, Whimbrel, Rock Pipit, Whitethroat, Cetti's Warbler, Black-Tailed Godwit - Of Note - 65 Species Total
Butterflies: European Peacock, Small White, Orange-Tip
Thanks For Reading !