Patch Map And Walks

These are the main 4 walks we do on our patch 
and that are mentioned on our blog!

6 Miles Of Almost Traffic Free Birding !

The walk starts at Newton Road with plenty of parking on the road outside Bath Mill Lodge Retreat (BA2 1RF) entrance.

Follow the road into Bath Mill Lodge Retreat, following along the brook, there are plenty of birds in the surroundings trees including Kingfishers, Sparrowhawks and even Otter sightings back in 2013 / 2014.

As you approach the junction of the Reception, turn left following the ‘Dog Walk’ footpath and head up the hill into the small wooded area. Bullfinch, Buzzard, Spotted Flycatcher and Chiffchaff all spotted here. Follow on up towards the fields, Whitethroat, Yellowhammer and Skylarks can be seen here in all surrounding fields. Follow the byway going straight on at the crossroads, on the right there is Seven Acre Woods, where Buzzard, Goldcrests and Red-Legged Partridge can be seen.

At the end of the field head towards Pennyquick (Busy road, so careful crossing it!) On entering Newton St Loe Village, the first garden on right (with Geese in), check the fir trees for Goldcrest. Moving on, at the Farm Shop, there are normally House Sparrows in the hedges and in the summer Barn Swallows, Swifts and House Martins!

On towards Newton St Loe Church (BA2 9BU) in the graveyard there are normally Kestrels and Jays about. Follow path down through field and past Send A Cow offices, the field often has Crow, Jackdaws and Rooks. Head into the woodland (Workshop Convert) the Natural England have recently cleared and opened this up, with success as Tawny Owl, Nuthatch, Treecreeper and Roe Deer spotted since. Now onto Newton Park Lake, cross over Newton Park Drive, and walk along Butterfly Alley. Turn left up the steps in line with the Lake. Along the Lower Lake, the trees to the left are home to our Little Owl family (keep an eye out for them!). Also Kingfishers and Grey Heron frequently. Along to the kissing gate and in the shallow pool we had a Water Rail for a few weeks in 2014.

Top Lake is fisherman free so less people about! Lots of Goldcrest in fir trees, also Kingfisher, Grey Heron, Mallard, Coots, Moorhen and recently we have had Teal, Goosander, Little Grebe and Wigeons.

Following the Lake around to the next wooded area we have a few Marsh Tits and more Goldcrest flying from tree to tree. 


For A Shorter Walk (Green Route) - You can go through the Uni grounds going up the small hill and back along the Newton Park Drive, over the cattle grid turning right, following this will lead you back to the Newton St Loe Village and Newton Farm Shop. At the Farm Shop you can turn right along the road, and follow this turning left at the next junction, Sparrowhawk, Kestrels and Buzzard are normally about in the nearby fields. We have spotted a Little Owl, Yellowhammer and Stonechat recently in the first house on left. Still going straight along to Crossroads, once at Crossroads, you need to turn left down the hill, following this will bring you out on Pennyquick with Bath Mill Lodge Retreat back where you started!

For The Longer Walk (Blue Route) - You can turn right through the woods looking out for Marsh Tits along the way, this will go slightly up hill as you get to the gate, we have had a pair of Little Owls here back in the summer in the tree straight ahead. Stay along the football pitch and head up the hill straight ahead, Skylarks, Linnet and Meadow Pipits are here in the summer. We have had a Wheatear in the field here by Home Farm on the left. Head through the gate and cross over the road, follow the footpath through the field ahead, in the summer we had a fly-past Hobby, amazing sighting for us! At the end of lane, head along 12 O’Clock Lane, frequently have Yellowhammer, Roe Deer and Hare sightings here. In the wooded area, we have Ravens where you often hear them calling before you see them! Back out onto the road, turning right once the Lane opens up you will see the Uni grounds to your left, often see our Pale Buzzard about on the thermals. The trees along the Lane often have Treecreeper and/or Nuthatch in them and Redwing and Fieldfare in the winter months.

The second field on the left we had a Pied Flycatcher (Male) back in April 2013. As the road starts to descend Sparrowhawks are spotted here often, this gives views across Newton St Loe and Bath. Still going straight down towards Crossroads, once at Crossroads, you need to carry on going straight down the hill, following this will bring you out on Pennyquick with Bath Mill Lodge Retreat back where you started!

Alternate 2 (yellow route) This route is through a wooded area with Newton brook, Butterflies in summer and Spotted Flycatcher can be seen, Gulls feed and roost in nearby fields, walking across fields Kingfisher often seen. Up hill bit can be muddy in the wet, Good again for butterflies early season, just common ones, Fir tree clearing Nuthatch, Woodpecker and Buzzard often here. Following on along track Haycombe lane over looking fields and patch, Looking up towards Cemetery Yellowhammer along boundary fench. follow Pennyquick down hill towards Parking.

Please email with your Sightings! 
Thanks and hope you enjoy the walks !

1 comment:

  1. Monday 27th January Newton park birds
    1 Cormorant.
    4 Heron.
    6 Mute swan.
    1 Whooper swan.
    12 Mallard.
    3 Wigeon.
    5 Teal.
    1 Tufted duck.
    1 Buzzard.
    5 Moorhen.
    2 Coot.
    50+ Black headed gull.
    20 L.B.B gull.
    30+ Common gull.
    20 Woodpigeon.
    1 Great spotted woodpecker.
    1 Meadow pipet.
    3 Robin.
    3 Blackbird.
    1 Mistle thrush.
    2 Great tit.
    2 Blue tit.
    5 Wren.
    50+ Starling.
    4 Magpie.
    2 Raven.
    30 Rook.
    8 Carrion crow.
    20 Jackdaw.


Feel free to leave comments if you have visited Newton St Loe recently, would like to add some sightings or even if you just like the page!
Thanks NSL-Birding...