08th - 19th September 2021
Species Highlights:
Black Shoulder Kite, Temminck's Stint, Montagu's Harrier, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler,Greater Short-toed Lark, Marsh Sandpiper
A trip that we booked for early May 2020, but due to unforeseen circumstances (COVID) it got re-booked and a date change to September 2021, but really great to be back. I picked up this camouflaged Kia Stonic for my bird watching!
Couldn't be any more obvious, but it did the job.
We were staying in Paphos, so an early start was required to get to Akrotiri Marshes for first light. A great start with Pallid Harrier, Honey Buzzard, and lots of Marsh Harrier hunting over the reeds, the Spur-\Winged Lapwing numbers across the island seems to have increased since my last visit with 20+ in one field.
100's of Honey Buzzard slowing drifting overhead, this a Juvenile.

Not many Hoopoe in fact 4 seen on the entire trip but always worth a snap.
Some of the fields along Akrotiri Marshes had been flooded by the locals, so waders were feeding very close to the roadside. Cyprus makes it very easy to bird from the car, not like the UK.
Ringed Plover
While checking waders out this Eleonora's Falcon (Dark Phase) cruised over putting everything up, even having a go at the hunting Marsh Harriers.
From the Tower Hide, I had a very brief view of the White-Throated Kingfisher, but no picture equals no tick!
Lauren spotted this Roller, distant but a cracker.
Bee Eaters and Honey Buzzard continued high above all morning.
Lauren wanted to Sunbathe so we drove back to Hotel via Mandria (Lark Corner) with Laughing Dove added to Lauren's life list.
Lesser Grey Shrike and Red-Backed Shrike were everywhere, but Male Red-Backed alot harder to get a picture, this as close as I got.
Females just sat, checking out my lovely yellow car, no crop in this image!
I dropped Lauren off, a bit of dinner, and went to one of my favorite places Asprokremmos Reservoir, you can see everything or nothing but there is always Dragonfly, Lizard and Jumping Spiders on the Dam Wall to see if no birds.
Starred Agama - Stellagama stellio
Juvenile Violet Dropwing
Jumping Spider, lots of these in the nooks and crannies along the Dam wall, this, Menemerus semilimbatus
The next day, Lauren again taking it easy, I'm not one for sitting around so breakfast and out to explore, back to Akrotiri, you never know what'll turn up.
A Group of Spur-Winged Lapwing
Met a local birder, Ray Atkinson who I arranged to meet up later in the week, as a small group of Glossy Ibis landed in front of us, literally 10 feet in front of me!
Marsh Harrier were constantly spooking the ground birds so nothing stayed long but this means plenty of flight shots.
While I was there 100's more Honey Buzzard floated past with the odd Common Buzzard, Black Kite mixed in with them.
Yellow Wagtail, were too many to count, also had Black-Headed, Blue-Headed, and this Citrine Wagtail. At Mandria in one field 100's took to the skies as the planes were coming into land at Paphos Airport.
Love Dragonflies and Butterflies so I carry a 100-400mm lens and a 100mm Macro just in case, this Marsh Hawk Dragonfly is a real stunner.
Did a final look before I headed back, glad I did as this Marsh Sandpiper landed a few feet from me, a lifer!
A final stop at Mandria and it seems Whinchat had taken over the fields with some liking my Yellow Car!
Another early start, this time joined by Lauren, we started at the Dam's, first stop was Mavrokolympos Dam, we parked up alongside the Dam Building and did a short walk looking for Cyprus Warblers and Wheatears.
Plenty of very showy Willow Warblers
Seemed to be a good spot for Sardinian Warblers also
Then Lauren spotted this Eastern Olivaceous Warbler staying a little more distant, but a lifer for us both, and an unexpected bird.
A little further along the Service Road, we had this Cyprus Wheatear. Again staying distant, but feeding on the many flies and bugs.
An opportunity to get some nicer pictures of a Willow Warbler seemed to be a lot showier than when in the UK!
Whilst photographing the Sardinian Warbler, this little bird popped up and was feeding along the top of the bush, a Cyprus Warbler. We heard a decent number of Chukar also.
After about 90 minutes of walking around, we decided to head back to the Car to move on to the next stop. As we got back to the car, this Long Legged Buzzard was perched up on top of the cliff, spotted us and flew about 10 foot above our heads!
Lauren filmed a Wildlife Vlog which is over on YouTube:
Upon leaving Mavrokolympos Dam, we had some more Cyprus Wheatear perched on the telegraph wires, meaning Lauren managed some nicer pictures, whilst I was driving along.

Next stop, back to Asprokremmos Reservoir, where birds were a little more scarce, but as before, lots of Dragonflies, this time a Female Red Veined Darter.
Nothing to see on the Reservoir, apart from 3 Whiskered Tern but these didn't stay around long.
Lots to be seen again, including Isabelline Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, Whinchat and Crested Lark.
Yellow Wagtails seem to love this area, using the water sprinklers and a bathing spot.
The next day, we went up to the Troodos Mountains to try and get the Cyprus Coal Tit, Cyprus Jay and Cyprus Treecreeper.
Within minutes, we had a Coal Tit and had a good number of these along the trail.
The Cyprus Jay took a little longer and didn't have these until almost back to the Car Park.
We stopped off for a drink where I spotted the Cyprus Treecreeper, so we quickly headed towards it, but couldn't re-locate so no pictures.
We came across this very smart bird, we originally thought Eastern Orphean Warbler, but we have now agreed on Lesser Whitethroat, but a very smart bird!
There were constant streams of Barn Swallow and Alpine Swift going through the whole morning.
The next morning I met Ray Atkinson at Evrtou Dam, as a resident in Cyprus it was good to see his local patch.
Gunshots could be heard around the lake, and we think we saw one so-called hunter shoot a carp in the Lake!
But a few birds were around too, including this Pallid/Montagu's Harrier.
From ID pictures and a few on a Cyprus Facebook group, I think it's a Montagu's.
More Yellow Wagtails, Hoopoe, and Cyprus Wheatears were surrounding the lake.
This one showed extremely well
Bee Eater migration was in full swing with large group overhead, briefly stopping to rest and feed.
The Bee Eater has an unfortunate name as the "hunters" think they only eat their Honey Bees but every time I saw one eating, it was the much bigger Oriental Hornet, It's such a shame the "hunters" don't notice this!
Another Morning at Akrotiri, soon birds were flying over Reed beds, but higher up Honey Buzzards & Bee Eater were streaming overhead from the tower hide this Juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron came really close in perfect light.
The few Black Kite came over looking for breakfast, most birds suddenly appear then disappear.
Very common were the Lesser Grey Shrike's.
The Number 5 Bus to Akrotiri arrived dropping off this Cattle Egret.
Spotted Crake, Lauren's shot, she got to hide quicker than me took the shot and Crake disappeared back into reeds, my shot was blurred.
The bird I really wanted to see was a Black Winged Kite!!!!
I spotted it on the far fir trees, we jumped in the car and parked almost underneath it looking stunning against blue skies! A lifer for us, Look at those eyes, WOW
It took off and landed roadside on this post, an amazing bird and I could have packed my case and gone home!
Superb, I'd been following the Kite on Cyprus birds hoping it would hang around, it turns out there were two on the island this Juvenile and a Adult
We returned to Tower Hide and to our amazement the Black-winged Kite hunted in front of us catching a Lizard, doesn't get much better!
Bee Eaters catching also, not to be outdone, what a place.
On the Marsh section, Whiskered Tern were darting back and forth another lifer for us both.
We left very happy, taking the road past Army bases to Lady's Mile, Greater Flamingo, Kentish Plover, and Little Stint on the quickly drying puddles.
On the way back, we dropped into Mandria, Lark Corner to find 100's Yellow Wagtail and a single Tawny Pipit.
What a day we returned to Hotel, Dinner and happily sat around the pool.
Lauren took her DJI Drone on this trip, and filmed some clips from the Hotel area:
Not been to Paphos Headland yet so an early start to see Greater Sand Plover, not a big colony but early on always a couple of birds, Whimbrel and Common Sandpiper also seen.
Always something to see here's some more nature from Cyprus
Lesser Emperor
Scarlet Darter
Southern Skimmer
Heteracris littoralis
Starred Agama - Stellagama stellio
African Grass blue - Zizeeria knysna
Lang's Short-Tailed Blue - Leptotes pirithous
Long-tailed Blue - Lampides boeticus
I took a moth trap with me, caught a few interesting moths including this beast Oleander Hawk - Daphnis nerii,
Plus Lantana Plume, Vestal, Gold Triangle, Small Dusty Wave, Duponchelia fovealis, Small Mediterranean Emerald, it was a full moon and the hotel resort had bright lights everywhere, pleased with my catch.
Love the Jumping spider found 3 species first one is
Mogrus neglectus
Salticus conjonctus
plus another Menemerus semilimbatus
While photographing this Honey Buzzard appeared from nowhere giving excellent views.
On my last full day, I found this Roller, but couldn't get the angle for good pictures, watched it hunting for about an hour.
The most colorful bird on the Island the Bee Eater, giving great views.
The last Lifer was this Temminck's Stint from Akrotiri. Again sunshine blasting so not the best picture but you can't always get that top shot, next time, in fact, have booked for Spring Migration (1st Week in April 2022)
Here's a list of Birds,107 Species including 7 lifers, Dragons, Butterflies, Reptiles
Ebird List
Green Marsh Hawk, Blackstream Glider, Violet Dropwing, Lesser Emperor, Scarlet Darter, Southern Skimmer.
Millet Skipper, Eastern Rock Grayling, African Grass Blue, Common Blue, Mallow Skipper, Lang's Short Tailed Blue, Long Tailed Blue, Painted Lady, Fiery Copper, Pigmy Skipper.
Starred Agama, Schreibers Fringe Fingered Lizard, Troodas Lizard.
Thanks For Looking!
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Great blog of a wonderful trip. I need to sit around the pool just to just to recover from all that activity.