2 September 2024

My Corfu butterfly experience May 2024

10-20th May 2024
Species Highlights: 

Balkan Marbled White, Brimstone, Brown Argus, Cardinal, Cleopatra, Clouded Yellow
Common Blue, Eastern Bath White, Eastern Baton Blue, Eastern Dappled White
Eastern Rock Grayling, Glanville Fritillary, Grecian Copper, Green-veined White, Grizzled Skipper, Holly Blue, Hungarian Skipper, Ilex Hairstreak, Large Skipper, Large Tortoiseshell, Large Wall Brown, Large White, LatticeBrown, Long-tailed Blue, Lulworth Skipper, Mallow Skipper, Mazarine Blue, Meadow Brown,
Nettle-treeButterfly, Oriental Marbled Skipper, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Scarce Swallowtail, Small Copper,
Small Heath, Small Skipper, Small White, Southern Comma, Southern Small White, Southern Swallowtail
Southern White Admiral, Speckled Wood, Spotted Fritillary, Two-tailed Pasha, Wall Brown, Wood White

A family holiday to Corfu was a first for me, I knew the bird life wouldn't be great but I did know the Butterflies were fantastic here, so with the macro lens and the 400mm packed we set off From Bristol Airport and arrived at around 11pm. The airport transfer dropped us in the Car park of the Dreams Corfu Resort & Spa at Gouvia. A European Scops Owl could be heard calling, a good start! We were shown to our rooms, which were excellent a quick drink and off to bed.
I hired a car before we arrived from Sluta Leta Rentals and after an all-inclusive breakfast, the car was parked outside, an excellent service.

I really had no idea where to explore first, I previously watched the Durrels on the BBC, The series begins in 1935, when Louisa Durrell suddenly announces that she and her four children will move from Bournemouth to the Greek island of Corfu, as you do! so had some references for places but it didn't really help so I drove to Kavurolimni or Skotini Pond
(Crab Lake) not expecting too much, but I was surprised.

Once I'd found it and an access point to the lake via a small meadow I came across lots of Spotted Fritillary, a new Butterfly for me, both male and female below.

Common Buzzard, House Martin, Swifts, and a Lesser Grey Shrike, we slim pickings bird wise, then the weather changed and thunder and lightning cracked across the sky. 
I sheltered in the car for 30 minutes, looking at the maps, but as the weather looked the same for the rest of the day I returned back to the Hotel.

The following day I Drove up to Mount Pantokrator at 906 m it was the highest mountain on Corfu, the drive up we fine but extremely twisty, traffic was light so stopped at laybys or when I saw anything, which I did frequently.

Scarce Swallowtail - Iphiclides podalirius

Eastern Dappled White - Euchloe ausonia

Wall Brown - Lasiommata megera

As I drove up butterflies we everywhere, every layby had small tracks which I walked scanning for anything, even in the heat, butterflies were stopping, not like the UK where nothing much stops for photos. Not just Butterflies but Orchids too, something I've been getting into recently.

Naked Man Orchid - Orchis italica

As I drove further up it actually got better, Subalpine Warbler showed and sang just a few feet from me, Cirl bunting, Hooded Crow, Great tit, Blackbird, Barn Swallow, and Red-rumped Swallow were the birds that I saw.

You can drive to the very top, amongst the aerials of Panocraktor the view and butterflies were amazing, there is even a coffee shop at the summit.

Four-spotted Orchid- Orchis quadripunctata, I think

Green-winged Orchid - Anacamptis morio

Glanville Fritillary

Balkan Green Lizard

Highest car park in Corfu

Best view in Corfu

After a few hours exploring, I drove to the north of the island and 
Lagoon Antinioti area, driving is very easy here, apart from some locals who drive in the middle of the road, but if you keep your wits about you it's fine. Parking next to a fabulous-looking beach with Albania in the distance.

I set off along a coastal sandy path. a few Butterflies and insects on the passing flora.

Gargano Marbled Bush Cricket

Bright bush Cricket

Plenty of Cleopatra around

Also Wood Whites, Lulworth skipper, Eastern Dappled Whites and Large Skipper flitting across the track.

Birds were still a bit thin in the skies, a single distant Bee-eater, Woodchat Shrike, and Goldfinches. A highlight was this Hermann's tortoise first of many I saw around the island.

I took the scenic route back to the hotel, not intentionally but it was a pleasant drive anyway exploring the island. Once back I walked the shoreline around the hotel and came across this Menemerus semilimbatus Jumping spider.

After lots of food and entertainment that night, in the morning I decided to head south across to Korission Lagoon, I think the largest lake on the island, brackish or saltwater.

I was hoping for more birds today, I was rewarded with good views of Kentish Plover.

Black-winged Stilt

I walked along the inland section for about 1.5 miles finding a few things but a little quiet, no people though so a bonus.

Small copper

Long-tailed Blue

Little Egret, Yellow Wagtail, and Whitchat were also seen. was hoping to walk around but undergrowth made it impassible so returned back to the car lunch and carried on beachside. With horses swimming and splashing in the surf it was beautiful.
I could hear Bee-eaters but couldn't see them, but did find an Olivaceous Warbler at least 5 of them singing in the bushes along the walk.

Plenty of House Martin and Sand Martin feeding over the lake.

A female Pied Wheatear perched up briefly just feet from some sunbathers, I tried to change the angle as not comfortable taking pictures so close to topless people, but the bird disappeared, and I couldn't relocate.

No visit to Corfu would be complete without visiting Corfu and its fort. I lovely walk through the shops, if you get a chance visit the Di Santo Premium Sandwiches, delicious sandwiches freshly made.
After munching that stunning sandwich head towards the fort €6 to enter, lots of history here, even better Alpine swift, and Red-Rumped Swallows filling the skies above. 

Dalmatian Algroides a variable colorful lizard scurrying across the walls of the fort.

I'd posted a few pictures on Twitter and Facebook and Dan Danahar contacted me the local Corfu butterfly conservationist and top bloke invited me to have a wander to survey some unsurveyed areas of the island, are targets were Southern Swallowtail.
I'd arranged to meet across the road from the hotel and Dan drove to the west of the island, nr. Vatos like a local!

We met up with 2 lovely ladies Anne Sordinas and Poppy Seelbinder.
After a short uphill walk, one of my targets for the trip landed on a roadside honeysuckle, Southern Whiter Admiral!

It was actually egg-laying!

 A fabulous start to the day, and a stunning butterfly.

As we reached a viewpoint the most fabulous butterfly came into view a Two-tailed Pasha a butterfly I'd seen before, very briefly but this one just sat for many photographs.

It landed on fingers, Hats, and the same branch multiple times, another kept trying to either attract or battle either way a highlight!

It is not a bad view either.

a few Southern Swallowtails were seen so a good walk was had and we returned the way we came back down to the cars. A Mediterranean Stick insect blended into the foliage.

Cleopatra's were numerous.

More views of the splendid Southern White Admiral.

Another new butterfly was the Ilex Hairstreak.

We moved to another spot for lunch, and Wood Whites continued to entertain us.

The following day we went into Corfu for the incoming planes at Kanoni-Perama bridge, The planes were a bit sparse, and I only had a 100mm lens but good to watch for a few hours.

That afternoon decided to head back to where I started the week Kavurolimni or Skotini Pond
(Crab Lake) and found this Nose-horned Viper, I led in the road photographing this beauty, I know now its poisonous but caught up in the moment!

The next morning and after a lovely breakfast I drove back to Pantokrator but stopped just before the top, and explored a good-looking track, Southern Swallowtails were nicely posing.

It was just me with Butterflies, Orchids, Moths, this a Hummingbird Hawk Moth, in the hours I spent walking this track I saw 3 people, heaven!

Mazarine Blue

Owlfly - Libelloides lacteus

Green Hairy Crab Spider (Heriaeus hirtus) was told I was first to record this species!

Narrow-rose banded Wave, is a real stunner.

Hungarian Skipper (Spialia orbiter)

Spotted Fritillary, Hungarian Skipper, southern Swallowtail, Red Admiral, Large White, Clouded Yellow, Scarce Swallowtail, Glanville Fritillary, Brown Argus, Lulworth Skippers, Mazarine Blue, Southern White Admiral, southern small White, Brimstone, Cleopatra, Long-tailed Blue, Grizzled Skipper, Ilex Hairstreak amongst the Butterflies along the amazing track.

Happy times!

The following day Dan asked if I'd like to join him on another wander, of course I said yes and we headed off to Kassiopi in the north of the island, we met up with Colin and Joan, who were much fitter than me! a real walk and explore in the heat but a great day with a few more lifers for us all 

Not long out of the cars and Lifer number one a Lattice Brown.

Quickly followed but a Nettle-tree butterfly.

Philaeus chysops - Jumping spider

Praying Mantis

Grecian copper

Eastern Bath White

Balkan Marbled white

As we wandered along the tracks Dan missed stepping on another Nosed-horned viper by a few inches! 
And no I've not learnt my lesson, taking photos at eye level!

 It was a hard walk for me anyway and as my car came into view a Southern Comma landed next to the car, not an excellent picture but a lifer to end the day on.

No trip to Corfu would be complete without visiting Cape Drastis, we also drove exploring the many local beaches a beautiful place Corfu well worth a visit.

On the final day I headed back up to Pantokrator, to my surprise I was still seeing new things like this Large tortoiseshell Butterfly.

Spotted Fritillary were very common and stunning.

Wall Brown

Large Wall Brown

More nettle-tree butterflies sat around and mud puddling

Eastern Rock Grayling, while I was led down taking pictures on the best puddle in Corfu, Barn Swallows were diving, taking mud, and drinking no doubt right next to me.

Scarce Swallowtail

Eastern Dappled White


Clouded yellow

10 fabulous days and many more pictures, 41 species of butterfly, I met some lovely fellow enthusiasts and saw some amazing sights, if you get the chance to visit Corfu, you won't be disappointed.

If you need any tips or help, I'm always happy to help.😎

Check Laurens Video's out You tube

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