Not much in the way of birds, so a quick message to everyone that reads this blog..
24 December 2012
14 December 2012
Wintry Trip To Slimbridge..
Location: WWT Slimbridge - Gloucester
Observation: Got a few new wild birds today including a Ruff, Redpoll and Lesser Redpoll!
Weather: Cloudy, Cold and Frosty
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Crow, Jackdaw, Rook, Redwing, Ruff, Redpoll, Lesser Redpoll, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Bewick Swan, Mute Swan, Buzzard, Chaffinch, Greater-Spotted Woodpcker, Greenfinch, Robin, Chiffchaff, Greylag Goose, Kestrel + more !
6 December 2012
Ham Wall + Shapwick Heath
Date spotted: 5th Demeber 2012 - 1PM
Location: Drove down to Somerset Levels - Ham Wall and Shapwick Heath

Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Cold
Other Species: Marsh Harrier, Snipe, Wren, Buzzard, Crow, Jackdaw, Coot, Moorhen, Cormorant, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swan, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Robin, Long-Tailed Tit, Black-Headed Gull.
22 November 2012
Not Birdwatching Weather!
Date spotted: 21st Nov 2012
Location: Local stretch of road, out normal walking route completely flooded!
Observation: A very flooded village with people stranded inside local campsite!
Weather: Very wet, but soon brightening up to dry up flood waters.
Other Species: Grey Wagtail, Buzzard, Crow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird.
4 November 2012
Hoopoe - Upupa epops

Date spotted: 4th November 2012 - 4PM
Location: Sand Bay, Weston-Super-Mare
Observation: Travelled down to Sand Bay in Kewstoke, to try and find the Hoopoe again, this time we were successful! Bad light and almost dark but still an amazing bird, showing VERY well, seen from 10 yards away!!
Weather: Cloudy, Near Darkness, Light Rain
Other Species: Crow, Magpie, Hoopoe, Black-Headed Gull,
30 October 2012
WWT Slimbridge
Date spotted: 30th October 2012 - All Day
Location: Something different - WWT Slimbridge - Gloucester
Observation: Picture shows Black-Tailed Godwits to the left and the wader top right is a Long-Billed Dowitcher, TWO new birds for us so very successful day!
Weather: Cloudy but Sunny, Warm.
Other Species: Peregrine Falcon, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Crow, Rook, Magpie, Long Billed Dowitcher, Black-Tailed Godwit, Northern Pintail, Bewick Swan, Lapwing, Teal, Pochard, Mallard, Mute Swan and loads more!
28 October 2012
The Greenfinch Trio..
Date spotted: 27th October 2012 - 2PM
Location: From the house window
Observation: Another short video from my window of three Greenfinches.
Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Cold
Other Species: Greenfinch, Great Tit
25 October 2012
Birding From The Window Video..
Date spotted: 25th October 2012 - 3pm
Location: From the house window
Observation: Something slightly different to pictures, a nice video created by Wayne, though the song would fit in nicely to this video!
Weather: Overcast, Slightly Cold Wind
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Greenfinch, Wood Pigeon, Magpie
23 October 2012
Lots of Mushrooms!
Date spotted: 23rd October 2012 - 1pm
Location: Newton St Loe - Zones 1, 3 + 5
Observation: What ya Saw
Weather: Very Cloudy, Warm, Some Wind.
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Buzzard, Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Grey Heron, Coal Tit, Long-Tailed Tit, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Wood Pigeon, Cormorant, Mallard
Other Species: Stump Puffball, Small Stagshorn. (Currently IDing so species to come!), Dead deer in river..
Other Species: Stump Puffball, Small Stagshorn. (Currently IDing so species to come!), Dead deer in river..
12 October 2012
Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
Date spotted: 12th October 2012
Location: From the window - 2pm
Observation: The group of Chaffinches, Woodpigeon, Magpies and Crow sat on floor feeding on dropped seeds and bread.
Weather: Broken cloud with blue sky. Light wind.
Other Species: Woodpigeons, Magpie Crow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch Greenfinch, Buzzard and Coal Tit.
4 October 2012
Birds From The Window..
Date spotted: 4th October 2012 - 1.30pm
Location: From the Window
Observation: Birds from the house window, feeding on the tree and floor and in flight over the house. Sorry for the lack of blog uploads, havent been out much. But back now with new camera kits!
Weather: Some Bright Sunlight, White Cloud and Warm
Other Species: Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Buzzard, Magpie, Crow
5 September 2012
Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
Date spotted: 4th September 2012 - 2pm
Location: Newton St Loe Village - Zone 1+5
Observation: Family of greenfinches sat feeding on garden feeders happily. A pigeon like bird lands next to it, ALL the birds fly off, so jumped up to find it was a Sparrowhawk! First time ever in our garden. Sparrowhawk got away empty-handed.
Weather: Some Sun, Cloudy, Little Wind
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Blackbird, Crow, Jackdaw, Barn Swallow, Swift, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Buzzard, Kestrel, Wood Pigeon, Coal Tit, House Sparrow, Robin, Sparrowhawk (day before)
Other Insects: Black Vine Weevil, Hoverfly, White Tailed Bumblebee, Dark Bush Crickets, Orb Spider, Shieldbug, Harvestman Spider, Scorpion Fly.3 September 2012
Osprey - Pandion Haliaetus
Location: Somerset Levels - Ham Wall and Shapwick Heath
Observation: Travelled down to Shapwick Heath and successfully found the Osprey that had been there for over a week. The Osprey was just sat on the one perch for over 30 minutes only moving his head to move around. But still a great find as never seen one before so very exciting!
Weather: Cloudy, Rain and Windy
Other Species: Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wood Pigeon, Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Great White Egret, Little Egret Coot, Moorhen, Osprey, Buzzard, Little Grebe, Dunnock, Mute Swan, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Long-Tailed Tit, Mallard.
Other Insects: Sawfly caterpillar and a Male Adder (first time ever for both of these!)
Other Insects: Sawfly caterpillar and a Male Adder (first time ever for both of these!)
23 July 2012
Mink - Mustela Vison
Location: Saltford Shallows
Observation: Mink - Heard splashing just changed to zoom lens and Mink swam across river , originally thought it was stoat which I've never seen either, but Ispot confirmed Mink. Nice !
Weather: Totally Blue 25.5c
Other Species: Kestrel, Buzzard, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Crow, Whitethroat, Wood Pigeon
Butterflies -Dragons
Ringlets, Meadow Brown, Marbled White, Small Skipper, Damselfly + 1 Migrant Hawker
Butterflies -Dragons
Ringlets, Meadow Brown, Marbled White, Small Skipper, Damselfly + 1 Migrant Hawker
18 July 2012
Comma Butterfly - Polygonia c-album
Location: Newton Park Lake - Zones 1,2 + 5
Observation: Nothing much in the way of wildlife around could be due to the sun or the wind. Some butterflies around aswell.
Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Some Cloud + Wind
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Dunnock, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon, Pheasant, House Sparrow, Swift, House Martin, Crow, Magpie, Mallard, Moorhen, Jackdaw, Yellowhammer, Skylark, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Mute Swan + Cygnet, Barn Swallow, Coal Tit, Jay
Butterflies + Dragonflies: Five-Spot Burnet, Yellow-Winged Darter, Marbled White, Common Blue Damselfly, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Common Hawker, Comma
Butterflies + Dragonflies: Five-Spot Burnet, Yellow-Winged Darter, Marbled White, Common Blue Damselfly, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Common Hawker, Comma
11 July 2012
Skylark - Alauda Arvensis
Date spotted: 11th July 2012 - 1PM
Location: Seven Acre Woods - Zones 1,2 + 5
Observation: Quite a deserted walk as wind was strong. Walking along the lane there were a group of 3 or 4 Skylarks that kept taking off and landing again a few feet away, maybe young Skylarks as they weren't deterred by us standing and watching. Also seen the Willow Warbler in the exact same spot singing on top of telegraph pole.
Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Quite Windy + Some Cloud
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Treecreeper, Pheasant, Buzzard, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Skylark, Crow, Magpie, Jackdaw, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat, Wood Pigeon, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler.
10 July 2012
Common Green Lacewing - Chrysoperla carnea
Location: Zone 1+5
Common Green Lacewing
(But on 5/7/2012, spotted a Willow Warbler on 'Dog Track' in Zone 5 First One Spotted !.PHOTO HERE
Weather: Grey, Overcast Skies (Clearing towards end of walk)
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Blackcap, Song Thrush, Magpie, Green Woodpecker, Chiffchaff, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Goldfinch, Buzzard, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Crow, Pheasant
Ringlet (Male + Female), Cinnabar Moth, Red Admiral, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper
Ringlet (Male + Female), Cinnabar Moth, Red Admiral, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper
28 June 2012
Scarce Chaser
Location: Newton Park Lake - Zones 1,2+5
Observation: Approx 6 Male Scarce Chaser, flying around both top and bottom lake. No females were seen.
Weather: Sunny Spells, Cloudy, Very Warm
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Coal Tit, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Buzzard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Crow, Jackdaw, Collared Dove, Moorhen, Coot, Mute Swan + Cygnet, Mallard + Duckling, Grey Heron, Chaffinch, Song Thrush, Wren
Butterflies, Moths + Dragonflies -
Five Spot-Burnet, Marbled White, Small Skipper, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Scarlet Tiger Moth, Broad-Bodied Chaser, Scarce Chaser, Small Red Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Migrant Hawker Dragonfly.
22 June 2012
Green Woodpecker - Picus viridis
Location: Home - zone 5
Observation: Green Woodpecker feeding in back garden just after the rain shower, soon after joined by Wood Pigeon and Blackbird also feeding.
Weather: Had just stopped raining, Cloudy and windy.
Other Species: Green Woodpecker, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon
18 June 2012
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos Major
Date spotted:18th June 2012 - 2pm
Location: Newton St Loe - Zones 1 + 5
Observation: Great Spotted Woodpecker sat on telegraph pole for a few minutes before flying off into nearby trees for cover. Not alot of wildlife around for some reason, probably the most deserted walk we have been on this year!
Weather: Blue Sky with some Cloud, Warm
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat, Pheasant, Great Spotter Woodpecker, Chaffinch, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Swift, Blackbird.
Lots of damselflies about and also some fledglings.
Lots of damselflies about and also some fledglings.
17 June 2012
House Sparrow - Passer Domesticus
Location: Newton St Loe - Zones 1+5
Observation: Spotted the fledging House Sparrow sat on Cow Parsley and the male house Sparrow coming back and forth feeding the young, the fledging was also eating seeds form the Cow Parsley and watching flies landing around him! Buzzard landed a few metres away trying to hunt for the young, but flew off empty handed.
Also during the sunny spells, seen around 10 damselflies and quite a few butterflies and moths on cow parsley, first lot of insects this year!
Also during the sunny spells, seen around 10 damselflies and quite a few butterflies and moths on cow parsley, first lot of insects this year!
Weather: Cloudy, Some Sunny Spells + Dry
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Crow, Jackdaw, Blackbird, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Dunnock, Swift, Skylark, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Buzzard, Robin. Also alot of fledglings about.
Barn Swallow,
Blue Tit,
Collared Dove,
Great Tit,
Greater Spotted Woodpecker,
House Martin,
House Sparrow,
Wood Pigeon,
6 June 2012
Coal Tit - Periparus Ater
Date spotted: 6th June 2012 - 2.30pm
Location: - From the Window - Zone 5
Observation: All these birds were spotted feeding in just 30 minutes! All the Great Tits and Blue Tits visiting had no fur on the faces maybe due to breeding or diseases? There were 50+ Swifts catching flies above the feeders just after it started raining aswell!
Weather: Raining, Cloudy, Windy
Other Species: Great Tit, Swift, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Blackbird, Crow, Jay, Green Woodpecker, Magpie, Blue Tit, Wood Pigeon, Chaffinch, Coal Tit
25 May 2012
Mute Swan - Cygnus olor
Date spotted: 25th May 2012 - 2.30pm
Location: Zones 1+2
Observation: A great days walking with lots of action ! First we spotted our first Banded Demoiselle, Dragon Fly. Then on upper lake the carp were spawning and further up Mute Mum with cygnets on nest, in photo mum shielding little one from sun aahhh! Then spent an hour watching grey Wagtails and Spotted Flycatcher (didn't think could get much better) Watching what we thought was a Kestrel flying around the field, it turned out to be a Sparrowhawk, coming in to kill a Blackbird sat on telegraph pole, missed the Blackbird by inches!
Weather: 25 Degrees, Sunny, Hazy but clearing up as day went on.
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard and Ducklings, Mute Swan with Cygnet x2, Starlings, Grey Wagtail, Robin Fledgling, 2X Spotted Flycatcher, Goldfinch, 1X Sparrow hawk, Buzzard, Kestrel, Pheasant, Chaffinch, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Barn Swallows, House Sparrows, Jay.
Barn Swallow,
Greater Spotted Woodpecker,
Grey Wagtail,
House Sparrows,
Robin Fledgling,
Spotted Flycatcher,
17 May 2012
Tawny Owl - Strix Aluco
Date spotted: 17th May 2012 - 12pm
Location: Newton Park Lake - Zones 1,2+5
Observation: Tawny Owl sat in same perch as last post, flew off after a few minutes. Little Owl, sat in same row of trees on the lake, kept flying around to different trees due to builders around.
Weather: Cloudy, Very slightly cold due to wind.
Other Species: Blackbirds, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Magpie, Grey Heron, 1X Little Owl, 1X Tawny Owl, Crow, Jackdaw,Jay,Buzzard, Blackcap, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Pied Wagtail, Pheasant, Robin, Goldfinch, Yellowhammer, Skylark, Barn Swallows, Swift, Mute Swan, Coot, Mallards (+ Ducklings), Wren, Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Whitethroat, Fox.
Green Woodpecker,
Grey Heron,
House Sparrow,
Little Owl,
Pied Wagtail,
Tawny Owl,
8 May 2012
Marsh Harrier - Circus Aeruginosus
Location: Ham Wall + Shapwick Heath
Observation: Sat in the hide overlooking the two Marsh Harrier nests. Watched the Harriers for over thirty minutes hunting and feeding. Came within 150 feet of hide before flying to Noahs Lake to feed second female in a third nest.
Weather: Light Rain, Overcast, Warm
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Crow, Jackdaw, Blackcap, Reed Warbler, Cettis Warbler, 2X Marsh Harrier, Hobby, Grey Heron, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard and ducklings, Great Crested Grebe, Comorant and young, Mute Swan, Bittern (in flight and heard booming) , Cuckoo (possible on way down), Swift, House Swallows, Black-Headed Gull, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Starlings.
Great Crested Grebe,
Grey Heron,
Ham Wall,
House Swallows,
Mallard and ducklings,
Marsh Harrier,
Reed Warbler,
Chew Valley & Cheddar Reservoir
Date spotted: 6th May 2012 - 2pm
Location: Chew Valley & Cheddar Reservoir
Observation: A great day at chew valley lake with a Barn Owl hunting and a Wheatear sunbathing. Then down to Cheddar a Common Sandpiper, Curlew flying and calling over reservoir also Pied and White Wagtails !
Weather: Cloudy, Dull, Some Sunshine
Other Species: Wheatear, Barn Owl, Coot, Mallard, Mute Swan, Swallow, Swift, Buzzard, Kestrel, Common Sandpiper, White Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Curlew, Jackdaw, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Song Thrush,
Reed Bunting, Peregrine Falcon
Barn Owl,
Chew valley,
Common Sandpiper,
House Sparrow,
Peregrine Falcon,
Pied Wagtail,
Reed Bunting,
Song Thrush,
White Wagtail
2 May 2012
Sparrowhawk - Accipiter Nisus
Location: Newton Park Lake/Seven Acre Wood - Zone 1,2+5
Observation: Male 'Sparrowhawk' sat in puddle, walked towards him, he flew off and landed in nearby tree (shown in picture).
Weather: Cloudy, Some Wind, Warm
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat, Blackbird, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Sparrowhawk, Long-Tailed Tit, Buzzard, Skylark, Crow, Little Owls, Grey Heron, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Barn Swallows, Starling, Collared Dove, Pheasant.
Barn Swallow,
Collared Dove,
Grey Heron,
Little Owls,
Long-Tailed Tit,
Mute Swan,
Barn Swallow - Hirundo Rustica
Date spotted: 1st May 2012 - 7pm
Location: Newton St Loe Village - Zone 1+5
Observation: Flock of around 25 'Barn Swallows' collecting mud for nests.
Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Warm
Other Species: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Crow, Jackdaw, Goldfinch, 25+ Barn Swallows, Pheasant, Chaffinch, Wood Pigeons, Blackbird, Greater Black-Backed Gull, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Long-Tailed Tit, Magpie, Skylark
29 April 2012
Barn Swallow - Hirundo Rustica
Location: A quick wander - Zone 1+ a quick drive to Saltford Shallows
Observation: Group of ten to fifteen 'Barn Swallows' feeding low over the flooded field. Found five Swallows sat on fence, captured with 55mm lens!
Weather: Light rain, localised flooding, Cold due to wind.
Other Species: Barn Swallows, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Crow, Mute Swan, Mallard, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, 1X Green Woodpecker, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Robin, Blackbird.
24 April 2012
Tawny Owl - Strix Aluco
Date spotted: 24th April 2012 - 1pm
Location: Newton Park Lake - Zone 1 +2
Location: Newton Park Lake - Zone 1 +2
Observation: First time ever seeing a Tawny Owl in this area. Tawny Owl sat in low tree, flew off when I walked a little closer. Best picture I could take due to distance away.
Weather: Cloudy, Some light Rain, 12c.
Other Species: Magpie, Crow, Jackdaw, Buzzard, 1X Tawny Owl, Linnet, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Mallard (now only 2 ducklings, were six!), Jay, Leser Black-Backed Gull, Barn Swallow, Wood Pigeon, Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Yellowhammer, Mistle Thrush, Wren.
Weather: Cloudy, Some light Rain, 12c.
Other Species: Magpie, Crow, Jackdaw, Buzzard, 1X Tawny Owl, Linnet, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Mallard (now only 2 ducklings, were six!), Jay, Leser Black-Backed Gull, Barn Swallow, Wood Pigeon, Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Yellowhammer, Mistle Thrush, Wren.
Barn Swallow,
Green Woodpecker,
House Sparrow,
Lb-B Gull,
Mistle Thrush,
Mute Swan,
Tawny Owl,
23 April 2012
Peregrine Falcon - Falco Peregrinus
Date Spotted: 22nd April 2012 - 4.30pm.
Location: St John's Church, Bath.
Observation: Watched the 2 adults and 1 youngster from last year hunting. Currently have three eggs in the nest box which are due to hatch in the next few days!
Weather: Quite cold due to wind, Cloudy but sunny.
Other Species: Grey Wagtail, 3X Peregrine, Greylag X Canada Goose, Blue Tits, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Pigeons, Pied Wagtail, Mallard.
17 April 2012
Mistle Thrush - Turdus Viscivorus
Location: River Avon Loop - Zone 3+5
Observation: Mistle Thrush was spotted feeding after light rain shower in local field. This is the first one seen since June 2011! Also seen the first Kestrel hovering in flight since Feb 2012!
Weather: Blue sky slowly changing to overcast and light rain. Cold due to wind.
Other Species: Kestrel, 1+ Mistle Thrush, Skylark, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Mute Swan, Barn Swallow, Mallard, Buzzard, Crow, Wood Pigeon, Dunnock
16 April 2012
Magpie - Pica Pica
Date spotted: 16th April 2012
Location: Newton St Loe - Zone 1+5
Observation: A male magpie sat feeding some homemade fatballs. Local magpies are currently building a nest opposite the feeder tree.
More barn swallows have now arrived (Approx. 10).
Group of at least 40 wood pigeons feeding in grass field.
Weather: Blue sky slowly changing to overcast. Quite cold due to wind.
Other Species: Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Blackbird, Buzzard, Crow, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Pheasant, Linnet, Goldfinch, Pied Wagtail, Jackdaw, Yellowhammer, Blackcap, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Chaffinch, 2+ Chiffchaff, Skylark.
Barn Swallow,
House Sparrow,
Pied Wagtail,
Wood Pigeon,
10 April 2012
Common Lizard - Lacerta Vivipara
Date Spotted: 10th April 2012 - 1PM
Location: Newton Park Lake- Zones 1+2
Observation: Two 'Common Lizards' (Possibly one male and one female).
Sun-basking on usual log.
Sun-basking on usual log.
Weather: Blue Sky, Sunny, Warm
Other Species: Wood Pigeons, Crows, Jackdaws, Green Woodpeckers, Pheasants, Little Owl, Blue Tits, Great Tits, 1 Barn Swallow, House Sparrows, Mute Swans, Mallards (+7 Ducklings), Heron, Coot, Grey Wagtail, Linnets (Male + Female), Chaffinchs
Barn Swallow,
Blue Tit,
Great Tit,
Green Woodpeckers,
Grey Wagtail,
House Sparrows,
Little Owl,
Mute Swans,
Wood Pigeons,
5 April 2012
Mute Swan - Cygnus Olor
Date spotted: 4th April 2012 - 2PM
Location: Newton Park Lake - Top Lake - Zones 1+2
Observation: Male 'Mute Swan' protecting Female in nest by chasing all wildlife off the lake!
Weather: Cloudy, Cold and Light Rain.
Other Species: Great Tits, Robins, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Dunnocks, House Sparrows, 1X Little Owl (Male) and Mute Swans
Little Owl - Athene Noctua
Date spotted: 1st April 2012 - 4pm
Location: Newton Park Lake - Bottom Lake - Zones 1+2
Observation: Male + Female (Female pictured, spotted hunting) Sat watching for around 15 minutes, Male landed in the tree to the right a few minutes later.
Weather: Sunny, Blue Sky, Warm
Other Species: 2X Little Owls, Goldcrest, Wrens, Dunnocks, Grey Herons (one sat in tree, other in flight over lake), Great Tits, Blue Tits, Mute Swans (sat in nest), Mallards (swimming around with 6 ducklings).
Blue Tit,
Grey Herons,
Little Owls,
Mute Swans,
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