Date: 27/02/2018
Location: Newton St Loe + Weymouth
Weather: -1 at least cold wind, some sunshine.
Species Highlights:
Buzzard, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Stock Dove, Lapwing, Redwing.
Buzzard, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Stock Dove, Lapwing, Redwing.
After yesterday's trip to Dorset for the Ross's Gull, a failed attempt, more on that at end of blog, i thought I'd catch up with my patch. So gloves, hat and a few layers of clothing on as "The Beast from the East" the so called cold front is moving in and blimey it was a bit cold out there.
Out through Bath Mill and not much going on but on the dog track track spotted 3 distant Buzzard circling above.
On to fields and farmer ploughing field 200+ assorted Gulls were mopping up the worms and grubs being uncovered mainly Black Headed but Lesser and Common Gulls also Rook, Crow and Pied Wagtail amongst them.
Above and in hedges around field counted at least 10 Buzzards, brillant to see.
Good to see the different plumages and colours.
A few let me get a couple of shots off, more intent of looking at the other Buzzards than looking at me.

Leaving them to it and continuing along byway Linnets and Yellowhammer in normal places.
while sprinkling some seed noticed a group a birds above 7 acre wood 35 Lapwing! Took a few out of focus shots, last Lapwing on patch were 23/11/2017 so really good to see, they didn't land just flew east and out of site.
On lower fields a large group, i think largest group i've ever seen of Stock dove at least 25 birds.
Carried on into village with not much to add to list.
apart from a pair of Grey Wagtail on the waterfall by lakes.
On along to lakes and fishing lake Ice free but top lake 1/2 frozen, tried some Lettuce with the swans, Rspb recommends in cold weather, Billy and top lake family just looked at it confused!
luckily i also brought seed and bread, they seemed to like bread more than seed, special treat as it was cold. While feeding noticed a single egg on last years remains on the nest? very strange, don't think it gonna hatch,Ice surrounding it.
I've contacted Swan Watch for advise, I'll update when i know.
Great to see Hawfinch still about, saw 2 birds male + female being their normal hard to see and photograph.
Greater Spotted and Green Woodpeckers seen on walk.
Lots of Rook around Patch.
Along with 35+ Redwing and a single Fieldfare, same bird i'm sure in end of drive orchard.
A good but cold walk ending on 43 species not a record breaker but another patch tick with Lapwing taking us to 63 species for the year.
Weymouth-Portland Bill
Now that trip to Dorset for the Ross's gull or not. Me and Lauren started early but as it turnned out 10 minutes too late!! Allan left earlier and got the Ross's gull at Lodmoor, the early bird get the Worm! Think we were 4 minutes behind and missed it, all day that was the pattern with this tricky gull, here's a few photos of our day.
While waiting for the Ross's at Radipole.
Did see these beauties at Lodmoor later.
2 birds present.
Gotta love a Spoonie.
Quite a few Snipe dotted around Lodmoor too.
A few Black Tailed Godwit.
Even went to Portland Bill and Castle saw Red Breasted Merganser, extremely cold wind blowing.
Back to Lodmoor hoping Gull would return, Grey Heron had his tea, we then left and even popped in to Bowleaze Cove where at least 500+ Med and Black Headed gulls were going to roost and probably the Ross's Gull but alas we didn't see it, another day maybe.
After yesterday's trip to Dorset for the Ross's Gull, a failed attempt, more on that at end of blog, i thought I'd catch up with my patch. So gloves, hat and a few layers of clothing on as "The Beast from the East" the so called cold front is moving in and blimey it was a bit cold out there.
Out through Bath Mill and not much going on but on the dog track track spotted 3 distant Buzzard circling above.
On to fields and farmer ploughing field 200+ assorted Gulls were mopping up the worms and grubs being uncovered mainly Black Headed but Lesser and Common Gulls also Rook, Crow and Pied Wagtail amongst them.
Good to see the different plumages and colours.
A few let me get a couple of shots off, more intent of looking at the other Buzzards than looking at me.

while sprinkling some seed noticed a group a birds above 7 acre wood 35 Lapwing! Took a few out of focus shots, last Lapwing on patch were 23/11/2017 so really good to see, they didn't land just flew east and out of site.
Carried on into village with not much to add to list.
apart from a pair of Grey Wagtail on the waterfall by lakes.
luckily i also brought seed and bread, they seemed to like bread more than seed, special treat as it was cold. While feeding noticed a single egg on last years remains on the nest? very strange, don't think it gonna hatch,Ice surrounding it.
I've contacted Swan Watch for advise, I'll update when i know.
Lots of Rook around Patch.
Along with 35+ Redwing and a single Fieldfare, same bird i'm sure in end of drive orchard.
Weymouth-Portland Bill
Now that trip to Dorset for the Ross's gull or not. Me and Lauren started early but as it turnned out 10 minutes too late!! Allan left earlier and got the Ross's gull at Lodmoor, the early bird get the Worm! Think we were 4 minutes behind and missed it, all day that was the pattern with this tricky gull, here's a few photos of our day.
While waiting for the Ross's at Radipole.
Did see these beauties at Lodmoor later.
2 birds present.
Quite a few Snipe dotted around Lodmoor too.
A few Black Tailed Godwit.
Even went to Portland Bill and Castle saw Red Breasted Merganser, extremely cold wind blowing.
Back to Lodmoor hoping Gull would return, Grey Heron had his tea, we then left and even popped in to Bowleaze Cove where at least 500+ Med and Black Headed gulls were going to roost and probably the Ross's Gull but alas we didn't see it, another day maybe.
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