Date: 25/02/2016
Location: Blashford Lakes / Weymouth reserves
Weather: Started Blue Skies -2, Ended cloudy 7c
Other Species:
Blashford Lakes - Tern Hide -
Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Coot, Moorhen, Shoveller, Egyptian goose, Cormorant, Wigeon, Goldeneye, Shelduck, Gadwall, Oystercatcher, Greylag, Goosander, Pintail - Plus a few others + Also 5 Fallow Deer.
Woodland Hide-
Siskin, Redpoll, Reed Bunting, Nuthatch, Long Tailed Tits, Greenfinch, Goldcrest - Plus the more common.
RSPB Lodmoor,Weymouth-
Gadwall, Little Egret, Tufted Duck, 3 Spoonbill, Green Sandpiper, Shoveller, Teal, Lapwing
RSPB Radipole-
Marsh Harrier, Shoveller, Little Grebe, Hooded Merganser, Cetti's Warbler - plus the usual.
Day off so Blashford Lakes in Hampshire seemed a good bet as Siskin, Redpoll and maybe Brambling were showing well on Twitter! Never been before, parked at the Tern Hide where the light was fantastic although apart from Little Grebe and Tufted Ducks everything was very distant, stayed for 30 mins or so spotting around 19 different species I'm sure there was more just needed hubble scope for better views! Did see 5 Fallow Deer far right hand side.

Left there and headed across road to Woodland Hide the Woodland was alive with bird sound. 4 or 5 feeders all full of Siskin and Redpoll! With Reed Buntings on floor, in hide had some great views of mainly Siskin perching up.
Again the light was perfect !
Cracking little birds, loving the Niger Seed.
Redpoll not as many but still little crackers !
Even the more common species looked great.
After speaking to John a very friendly local for a couple of hours had a brief look around other hides, definitely coming back with Lauren.
No Brambling today but next time I hope !
Now 12 o'clock and getting cloudy so headed along to Weymouth first.
RSPB Lodmoor and this Gadwall was stunning took far to many pictures of him but come on a great looking duck !
Not much else about a few Lapwings then I spotted the Spoonbills,
He even caught a few tiddlers !
There were 3 there but this guy came fairly close for my 400mm,
Strutting his stuff for 30 mins or so.
Then without so much as a by your leave, of he went !
Flew straight out to sea maybe down to Brownsea ? Other 2 were tucked up in reeds.
Next Place RSPB Radipole and first as always the most famous Merganser in Weymouth, would be rude not too! Getting very overcast now :( Weather not the hoody !
Few Cettis singing, Shovellers floating about then I spotted a stunning male Marsh Harrier sat on post from North Hide.
Also Female cruising over reeds, great birds just never close enough for my lens though through bins amazing to watch!
Shelducks quite a few here showing signs of mating behaviour.
With these two guys watching me closely and light now fading fast decided it was time to head home a excellent day was had and I think some great pictures ! Over 450 I took !
Blashford Lakes worth a return trip soon !
Thanks For Looking !
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