January 2023 California
24th January 2023 - 30th January 2023
San Joaquin, Irvine Regional Park, Huntingdon Central Park, Bolsa Chica.
Birds Species Highlights
(See the end of the blog for a full list of species)
After my last trip in September 2022, I didn't expect to be in California again so soon, but I'm not gonna turn it down!
So after a 10-hour flight, we landed at LAX airport, taxi ride and back to the same hotel in Anaheim, This trip would be just me birding and Lauren, Tamlyn, and my wife Mel doing the Disney thing. Not gonna complain about birding on my own as I had such a fantastic time exploring California in September. I'd researched a few more places and was looking forward to it, with a longer lens from 400mm to 600mm and the new Canon R7 it would be different.
San Joaquin Marsh (pronounced San Waa keen) 25/01/2023
My taxi arrived at 7:45am and half an hour later I was standing getting ready for my day,
San Joaquin was a highlight last time so I had high hopes, my target would be Vermillion flycatcher a male of course, but was very happy to be back.
Snowy Egret was my first spot of the day, followed by a coyote wandering across the path in front of me, always a treat.
Osprey again seems to be very common giving close views and not at all bothered. I'd see this Osprey all day giving me views down to 10 feet later in the day.
A bird I'd also wanted to see was the Northern Harrier, but not here, and was very surprised to see this lifer fly past the 600mm and struggled to get focus as its speed and low pass over the reedbed gave the lens lots of obstacles. I'd get closer views later in the week.
Caspian Tern, White Pelican, and Turkey Vultures floated past in the totally clear blue skies.
A Tropical Kingbird had been on the reserve very similar to this Cassin's Kingbird the only difference being the bright yellow chest, but multiple birders looking, the Cassin's was all I could find. Still a good looking bird.
While stood watching, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Common Yellowthroats, and a small flock of Cedar Waxwing came popping past the trees that surrounded the pond.
Mt. Baldy can be seen, some 60 miles away at a height of 10,064 ft (3,068 m) the range is San Gabriel Mountains.
White Throated Swift was my next lifer, they were so fast, 5 or 6 birds zooming past with Barn Swallow feeding across the lake.
Walking around Pond 1 I noticed a flash of red! I quickened my steps and Wow!
The Male Vermillion Flycatcher showed extremely well for 5 mins, leaving its perch caught a fly and didn't return, so how lucky I am I!
Such a fabulous bird I walked away smiling.
I walked the short distance to another area and Pond E where there were Waders, Ibis, and many ducks feeding.
These White-faced Ibis were around 100 feet away giving me spectacular views.
very similar to our Glossy Ibis but closer.
The Californian Towhee was hopping around my feet, with much better views than I Had in San Francisco.
The light was fantastic and really sets off the colors on the Green-winged Teal.
Black-necked Stilted fed just feet from the shore totally oblivious to my presence.
Blue-winged Teal.
White Crowned sparrows, were feeding on the far side, along with amazing views of Turkey Vultures that were at times making me duck they were so close!
The Vultures landed on the wall where the sparrows had been, I released why as I rounded the corner.
I was shooting into the beautiful sunshine but so close, didn't even look at me as it munched his fish breakfast. More of the Osprey later as it stayed on his post for the next 3 hours.
Greater Yellowlegs
American Pelican gliding overhead, as I was checking these out I spotted some distant Western Meadowlark, another lifer a bad record shot and they disappeared, shame.
Still on the same Pond E, and with so many birds here, the size is
Total area: 4,862.64 m² (52,341.05 ft²) or 8 double-deckers by 8 double-deckers, so not huge.
Common Yellowthroat
Another Lifer, great to have a fantastic picture of this species
Say's Phoebe, big posers and normally let you get pretty close.
Cinnamon Teal, a cracking bird
Even a wing flap, just so obliging
After another short walk, and through a boardwalk section this Green Heron was hiding in the shadows, along with a few Hooded Mergansers.
As I continued my walk, Yellow-browed Warbler and House finch were singing and feeding in the tree tops but the next bird was a stunner, American Kestrel, it was sitting on the lampost next to the earlier Osprey.
While I was photographing the Kestrel, my friend the Greater Roadrunner appeared and ran towards me, I had chatted with it on my visit in September.
It literally stops within 5 feet of me and I bent down and asked how it was doing, LOL, it almost seemed to understand and after a couple of minutes carried on its run.
The Kestrel was still sitting, and with Ospey on the next post was staring at me I'm sure his fish must have been getting smaller as he'd been eating it for at least 2 hours
After I took more pictures and had chatted with a fellow American birdwatcher, I walked around the pond for a perspective viewpoint on the Osprey, the Kestrel was just off the camera but both were within 50ft away.
The American Kestrel then decided to come to me and sat on a nearby fence!
A bird that I hadn't seen on my last visit was the Egyptian Goose, saw a few of these over the next few days.
A better vantage point for the female, another thing you may not know about the American Kestrel is, it's almost half the size of the European Kestrel being 15.5 inches and the American being only 9 inches.
With my day almost at an end10 miles walked and 8 hours spent here I was treated to another more distant flypast of the Nothern Harrier
A great looking bird I think you'll agree.
A small group of Tree Swallow came through as I was leaving, another beautiful bird.
So that was the end of Day one, giving me 6 more lifers that included Western Meadowlark, Spotted Towhee, Buff-bellied Pipit, Vermillion Flycatcher, Northern Harrier, and White-Throated Swift
Not a bad day I think you'll agree, tomorrow was Lauren's birthday the reason for the trip so I had promised I'd go to Disney with them, Starwars land here we come!
Disney California was Busy and an amazing experience even though I'm not keen on the rides, Star Wars was great!
The next day they went back to Disney and I went to a new spot I discovered on Ebird, Irvine Regional Park, again a taxi ride and at 8am I started to explore amazed at how many Acorn Woodpecker were in the trees, calling and stashing 1000's of Acorns.
I'd estimate that day I saw around 50 Acorn woodpeckers! I also heard but didn't see a few Parrots, of which there are 3 species. One of the species of Parrot in the Park is Lilac-Crowned Parrot.
I spoke to a few enthusiastic Birders who were searching for owls, they didn't find any but we did find a Townsend Solitare, a rare bird for cali they tell me, it was a lifer for me!
Had some great views of a Band-tailed Pigeon, my last view was San Francisco and it flew past at speed, today a group of 10 birds were sitting in a nearby tree.
As I approached the area where the Cactus Wren were, the sun was blazing and walkers, runners, dog walkers, and cyclists passed me as I searched. I looked for 30 mins but nothing was seen, as I decided to carry on this little beauty popped up on the nearest Cactus!
Much larger than I thought. I snapped many pictures, Turkey Vultures, and Red-Tailed Hawk were circling over the nearby hills.
California Thrasher, not singing as I have seen them before, but still, great-looking birds appeared.
Western Meadow Lark, a large group flew into to nearby tree, and onto a fence, I tried to focus but the camera was slow to react and missed the shot. So this is the best I could manage.
As I walk along Santiago creek, lesser goldfinch could be seen feeding in I think a plain tree, a small group of birders were looking for a Lewis woodpecker, but no sign for me, this beautiful Red-shouldered hawk was circling with its mate, nice to see a school trip and the teacher telling all the kids what it was. Making the next generation of bird watchers
Around the pond, Oak Titmouse, Dark-eyed Junco, and Mourning dove were feeding.
American coot
And lovely Wood Duck
Reflections caused by the yellow and red boats on the lake.
On the far side of the tiny lake, 7 Double-breasted cormorants were sunning themselves.
After a short sit down, I explored some more, I found a Golden-crowned Sparrow.
California Scrub jay rummaging amongst the leaf litter.
I'd noticed the American lady, bird watcher from earlier, so I wandered over, she’d only found a Varied thrush!
Wow, what an amazing bird, I'd seen on Ebird that one was present but always very illusive so i was very happy to just see it, I took a few shots but couldn’t get closer for its close-up.
She told me just over there and pointed a few feet away is a Green-tailed Towhee, 2 lifers in 2 minutes nice! This bird was tricky as almost buried in the leaf litter under the trees and constantly moving, sorry pictures getting worse!
I'd been walking for around 7 hours, so decide to go back to the pond before heading home. I sat and took my boots off while undoing them I felt a splash and looked up, an Osprey dove into this tiny pond probably 10ft from me but by the time I picked the camera up it was too late and he flew to a tree in the bank with a huge fish.
So many Osprey in California in fact USA
In the park, there is a small railway and as I stood watching the Osprey, the train came past and slowed and asked what are those pointing above my head? 5 juvenile Black-crowned Night-heron sleeping on the branch above me.
That was Irvine park, I probably missed so much but what a fabulous place. As I walked back to where the taxi would pick me up I stopped in my tracks amazed! A Bobcat!!!
It stood looking at me, I took a load of photos
Speaking to others afterward they said how lucky I was to see the Bobcat and after years of visiting the park they’ve never seen one, I felt very lucky, with 4 lifers it was a fantastic day.
My daughters and wife would be at Disney till late with a fireworks display so I went out for food. Mikes sub shop across the road and a 12” sandwich chips and a chocolate milkshake, back to the hotel and a film perfect.
Huntingdon Central Park (28/01/2023)
The next morning another new spot Huntingdon Central Park, it’s amazing hope a local park can be so good for wildlife in America.
A group of House finch feeding was my first spot for the morning.
Great Blue Heron, Great White Egrets we’re flying around the park, and A group of 10 Long-billed Dowitchers also.
American Wigeon were extremely close views.
Bit different to Shapwick Uk.
Under the trees, I noticed a song sparrow amongst the leaves and alongside it a Lincoln’s sparrow, a lifer, and a very smart little sparrow.
I had been told about a Great Horned owl but after looking for around 30 mins could not find it, I crossed a busy road that divided the park, this area was totally different with this Allen’s Hummingbird just sitting resting.
Says Phoebe, a Red-Tailed hawk perched in a nearby tree, this yellow-rumped Warbler had caught a grub and was battering it on a near branch.
I had a message from a birder I’D met in Irvine Park about the Owl, so doubled back for another look 20mims later still no owl.
I carried on and came to another small lake American Pelicans and lots of gulls mostly Ring-billed and Western gulls filled the lake. High up we’re a group of Great-tailed Grackles.
This Black Phoebe sat perfectly for its picture.
Bolsa Chica (28/01/2023)
From here I continue walking to Bolsa Chica around 1.5 miles away, I was gonna enter on the far side of Bolsa.
Plenty of pools to scan along the track in, Kildeer.
American Avocet, and Black Necked Stilts,
Savannah's sparrows lined the fence.
Also more hummingbirds, you just gotta take pictures of them.
As I entered Bolsa Chica proper American White Pelican were cruising up and along the channel.
I could hear an Osprey calling out in fact 3 birds were present and so many other birds were present, waders feeding in most of the channels and pools that I was walking past, Long-billed Dowitchers.
Least Sandpiper
Semipalmated Plover, Dunlin, and Sanderlings. feeding over the mud.
With Osprey, Hawks, Vultures, and Kestrels it was little surprise the waders and alike would take to the skies now and again.
Snowy egret
What a stunning bird skimming across the reserve in perfect light, I took many more but won't bore you!
with 4 different Grebe including, Slavonian, Black Necked, Pied-billed, and Western Grebe
Never had such good views of Green-winged Teal this week.
My feet were beginning to ache so started to walk to my pickup, the birds didn't stop appearing though.
Red-tailed Hawk.
So that was Bolsa Chica finished, and the trip finished, it was the flight home tomorrow. So to round up
130 Species seen - 15 life ticks
White-throated Swift
Northern Harrier
Vermillion Flycatcher
Buff-bellied Pipit
Spotted Towhee
Western Meadowlark
California Quail
Lilac-crowned Parrot
Oak Titmouse
Cactus Wren
Townsend's Solitaire
Varied Thrush
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Green-tailed towhee
Lincolns sparrow
Other Wildlife
Mourning Cloak (Camberwell Beauty)
Red Admiral
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