5 April 2015

St James Park - London

***UPDATE*** - 
Sorry for the lack of posts, tweets etc! Our computer has been broken for 2 weeks, but all fixed and alot faster now so we are back. Currently we our completely revamping our garden, making it more wildlife friendly and planting better trees for the birds to feed and nest in. We will do a blog post when finished. 
Thanks for the constant views, they are greatly appreciated!

Date: 4th April - 1PM
Location:  St James Park - London

Observation:  I (Lauren) visit London monthly if not more frequently and have never heard about the Pelican's at St James Park, so a quick visit was in order! When we arrived it was like a WWT wetlands, with American Wigeon, Smew, Ruddy Ducks, Black Swan and so much more all present. There were loads of Grey Heron which were very much use to people and let you get within a few feet of them without flying off! Along with the 4 Great White Pelican's also present and ALOT bigger than I expected. I took some pics and put together video of them preening and moved on into London to do some Landscapes and night shots before heading home.

Weather:  Cloudy and Overcast - Warm

Other Species: Feral Pigeons, Grey Heron, Black Swan, Egyptian Geese (+ Goslings), Great White Pelicans, Ruddy Duck, Smew - Of Note

Thanks For Reading!

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