26 April 2015

Spring Life At The Lake!

Date: 26th April - 3PM
Location:  Newton Park Lake - Return Route

Observation:  We were hoping to visit Meare Heath to get the Hudsonian Godwit this morning, but it was a no-show so a quick patch walk in the hope we would find a rarity! The campsite and dog track is pretty quiet, apart from a few Pheasant, a Whitethroat (calling) and a single Jay feeding. So swiftly moved onto Seven Acre, and we spotted a group of birds circling, there were 4 Buzzards! After watching them 2 more joined them and a further single Buzzard, most we've seen in a group! They headed East over towards Bath. Further down the track (past the crossroads) there were a further 2 Buzzard which were heading North (one of which was hovering!). Nothing much more of note until we got out to the Lake, a nice Orange-Tip butterfly in the sun through the woods. 

At the Lake, there were a pair of Mallards on the over-flow with 7 cute little Ducklings practicing to filter feed by the looks of things! Very cute to watch! 

On Top Lake, there were 4 Teal (2 pairs), and were glad to report the Mute Swan (female) is back on the nest, with 4 (maybe even 5 eggs!). The nest was empty on the 21st, so they are newly laid. No sign of the Little Owl pair (hopefully they will be successful this year also!). 

There were lots of noisy lambs around Top Lake having a good run-around. Walking back through the Village, there were 9 Barn Swallows (only 5 on the 21st), in the lamb field there were 2 Goldfinch and 1 Greenfinch (unusual for the village area). 

Also a single Yellowhammer in the Oak tree well camouflaged against the bright leaves. To finish off the walk we had alot more lambs and a fly-over Kestrel along the Lane.

Weather:  Cloud Clearing, Sunny + Warm
Other Species: 1 Kestrel, 9 Buzzard, 1 Yellowhammer, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Jay, 2 Skylark, Mallard (With 7 Ducklings), Mute Swan (On Nest - 4 Eggs) - Of Note
Butterflies: Orange-Tip, Small White

Thanks For Reading !

P.S - Lauren (1/2 of NSL-Birding) is on holiday in Majorca from now until 7th May , so Wayne (2/2 of NSL-Birding) will be doing all blogs from now until then, so expect alot more spelling and grammar mistakes!  :-) ;-)

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