Date: 23-26th Nov - All Day
Location: Norfolk - Titchwell, Holkham, Snettisham

Observation: A few days in Norfolk, we had a nightime base of Hunstanton at Searles Campsite (well worth a stop if your around the area!). A sunset walk along the beach, produced good numbers of Turnstone, Dunlin and Oystercatcher. Monday morning we headed to Titchwell Marshes, cold but a good total of species seen including Sparrowhawk causing havoc with the waders. Most of the good birds were along the beach Sanderling and Grey Plover were both new birds for us so good start to the trip. Onto Cley Marshes, a pair of Marsh Harriers hunting over the reserve. A fly-past Skua sp. A tip-off for a few Snow Buntings along the shingle beach, proved correct although very elusive little birds! Also a few Skylark and Stonechat along the beach, and a surprise sunbathing Grey Seal!! Last reserve of the day was Holkham Reserve, arrived just before sunset in hope to see the Common Scoter, although not seen, an amazing sight of 40,000+ Pink-Footed Geese roosting in the fields next to the car park against a stunning sunset, the noise is spectacular! Tuesday morning we got up to see the Snettisham wader roost, well that didn't happen (Typical!), the mist was awful and waders were going off in small groups rather than one big lift off, but never seen so many waders ever! As we had more time than planned we moved onto Holme Nature Reserve (along the coast) and walked along to Thornham Harbour. All wildlife made us wait until we were about to turn around and head back, when a small group of Twite and a fly-past Hen Harrier and Merlin hunting together! A few shots and no longer seen!!
Today we headed home, but had a stop off at WWT Welney, a very difficult reserve to Slimbridge, but was packed with wildlife! A Sparrowhawk fly-past and landed 20 foot in front of hide before posing for a few shots and was off again. A few Whooper and Bewicks around the reserve also. Overall an amazing few days in Norfolk, we will be back early next year! A total of 72 species of bird isn't bad!
Weather: Cloudy, Sun, Rain (Bit of everything!)
Other Species: Buzzard, Kestrel, Merlin, Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Sanderling, Grey Plover, Golden Plover, Brent Geese, Pink-Footed Geese, Little Grebe, Skua sp., Snow Bunting, Stonechat, Curlew, Bewick Swan, Whooper Swan, Twite, Skylark, Oystercatcher, Goldcrest, Red Kite, Quail, Red-Legged Partridge, Avocet, Redwing - Of Note
Thanks for looking!