23 September 2016

Autumnal Equinox & Spotted Crake +

Date: 22/09/2016
Location: WWT Slimbridge
Weather: Cloudy but clearing to blue skies

Planned on a trip to Slimbridge and a Spotted Crake was reported day before so excited to see as would be a first for me! 
Overslept but got there but 10:15 and was very pleased to see Spotted Crake from the full  Van de Bovenkamp Hide @ Slimbridge.

Apparently a Juvenile but very obliging and showed many times. Kept hiding in reeds but every 5 mins or so would come back out.

A very pretty little bird which made many people happy, including me!

After many shots wandered round rest of Slimbridge, Ruff and Snipe from the Hogarth hide, this Ruff seemed to have limp (not apparent in pic!)

Work being done in a lot of the hides and grounds ready for winter. But sun shining now and this Laysan Duck enjoying the sunshine!

Few Butterflies still about and a few Common Darters as well.

As sun was out had to go back and sure enough Spotted Crake still about hide a bit quieter now but workman repairing hide with drilling and banging around but it didn't seem to put him/her off! 

Passing South Hide or the Discovery Hide thought I'd pop in to see if any Snipe were a bit closer but a Curlew Sandpiper was showing distantly but showing and another tick for me!! Been birding for 5 years now but never managed to photograph before, I agree only just but Curlew Sandpiper! Taking my bird life list to a meager 251. 
I know some people manage that in a year but taking my time enjoying the view!!

After leaving saw this Rook doing the rounds such great looking birds!
Another great day at Slimbridge and my 43rd trip to Slimbridge.

Thanks For Looking !

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